Money Mailing

No newsletter ideas?

Create 100+ personalized email concepts and save yourself hours of headaches in 5 minutes.

  • Automate your email idea generation to save time and gain more energy to focus on growing your business.
  • Personalize your email topics to build engagement and strengthen relationships with your audience, leading to a loyal base of lifelong clients.
  • Create emails your audience can’t wait to open, boosting your email open rates and increasing your business’s visibility and trust.

BONUS: An extra prompt that generates tweet ideas to turn your followers into email subscribers.

    No spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    “With the help of Jan's Email ChatGPT Prompts, I was able to create content in just 5 minutes. They significantly simplified and sped up the process while maintaining the quality of the material. Now I can quickly generate ideas and structure for newsletters and posts, which has allowed me to optimize my work”

    Nick Nikalayeu

    IT company founder, X content creator

    What you get:

    You'll discover how to effectively generate content ideas for your newsletter that will attract and engage your readers. This will enable you to create valuable, engaging content that helps build a loyal subscriber base.

    What is it all about?

    These prompts are designed to save you time and streamline your newsletter content creation. They provide focused ideas for crafting engaging content, whether through personal stories, educational insights, or thought-provoking topics. By using these prompts, you’ll efficiently produce compelling newsletters that resonate with your audience and make your content creation process smoother.